White Rock Center of Hope

Last week I toured White Rock Center of Hope, a local ministry that serves the neighborhoods of East Dallas. Their facility, located less than a mile away from Central Lutheran Church, offers food, clothing, and financial assistance to local families in need. Every day  between 30 to 70 families who live in the five zip codes of East Dallas come to the center looking for help. 


Think about that. There are 30 to 70 families in our immediate context who need significant help on a daily basis. It is easy to be overwhelmed by the needs of our city, let alone the needs of our world, but there are those in our immediate vicinity whom we can serve as the body of Christ. As All Saints East Dallas we've committed to serve our local geography and White Rock Center of Hope shares that vision. Over the next weeks, Jay and I will be considering the best ways that we can strategically partner with the Center, but there are some easy ways that all of us can help right now. 


For one, consider donating your clothing and household items to their thrift store. They fund most of their ministry with their thrift shop, located near the corner of Gaston and Peavey.  Anything that you might donate to Goodwill, they can use to sell and fund their ministry, or they can give to an East Dallas family in need.


For another, consider volunteering at White Rock Center of Hope. They need volunteers during the week and weekends to sort clothes, distribute food, and interview clients to assess their needs. 


I would encourage you to prayerfully consider donating your items, your money, and your time to White Rock Center of Hope.  To find out more about them on their website, click here.


- Chris+