We would love for you to participate in the church family however you are able! Here are all of the ways that we would love to invite you to serve, worship and join us in fellowship.

ALTAR TEAM - Prepares the altar for communion by setting up 30 minutes before the service and cleans up after the service. Serve once a month.

AUDIO/VISUAL TEAM - The A/V team runs sound, slides, and live stream during the service. We will need people who are comfortable using a computer and have attention to detail. Serve once a month.

CHALICE BEARER - Simply holds the chalice for the clergy to distribute communion during the service. Serve once a month.

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY - From teaching to being a hall monitor, there is plenty of room for more volunteers. As part of our Child Safety Policy we run background checks and ask that you participate in a brief abuse awareness video training as a part of the sign up process. Serve once a month.

CHURCH-WIDE EVENTS VOLUNTEER - Be a go to person to help with any upcoming events to see how you might be available to help like St. Barts Fest, Christmas parties, Easter services, etc. Serve occasionally.

CONNECTIONS TEAM/GREETER - Help newcomers and fellow worshipers feel welcome and comfortable upon their arrival. Serve once a month.


Crucifer - carries the cross during the processional and recessional.

Element bearer - carry the wafers and wine decanter forward during offering.

Ushers - take up offering, guide people through communion, and count the offering after the service.

Serve once or twice a month.

PRAYER TEAM - Pray for those who would like to receive prayer during communion. Serve once or twice a month.

SCRIPTURE READERS TEAM - Read a passage from the Bible and lead the responsive Psalm reading during the service. Serve once every six weeks.

WORSHIP TEAM - This is for those who are musically gifted. Must be able to arrive an hour early on Sunday morning’s to practice. Serve once a month.

YOUTH MINISTRY - Attend youth classes and events and assist the youth leader to provide support and encouragement for our youth. As part of our Child Safety Policy we run background checks on all volunteers. Serve once every six weeks.

If you are interested in serving here at St. Bart’s, please click Volunteer Interest above or send an email to Hanna -